Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hostels...My First Time Feeling Old

So once we got to Dublin we had 2 choices we could either book an okay hotel room in downtown Dublin for around 300 dollars a night (and that is for a tiny room) or we could book a bunk bed in a hostel for 15 Euros a person. So obviously cause we are neither rich or stupid booked the beds in the hostel.

I have spent my fair share of nights in Hostels and never ever minded it until two days ago. It was the first official time in my life that I thought to myself "I am getting too old for this shit." As soon as we checked in we were surrounded by 18 year olds that just landed and wanted to get wasted...Irish wasted. Now you all know me, I used to be a party girl but come on peeps morning is a little early to get the Irish party started with shots don't ya think?

We shared a room with 4 other students who were really nice but sharing a bathroom and a 10 x12 room is always interesting with multiple people and huge backpacks. On a good note between Ty and myself I had the top bunk...always liked the top bunk ;-) But missed having a room to ourselves.

Anyhoo, they had a Hostel Pub Crawl for super cheap so we decided to attend....figuring out as soon as we got through the door that we were the oldest ones at least 8-10 years. Which I must say man we were some funny lil aholes back then. Tons of 18 year old boys in one corner pounding beers and the painfully shy group of 6 girls in the other corner nursing their melted down fruity drinks. It was BAD...that is till everyone was sufficiently liquored up and started mixing with one and other...until they drank too much  and spent the rest of the time puking along the side of the road. On a side note I must admit it was really funny to watch from the sidelines!!!

We ended up having a great time in Dublin and I must say I loved my early 20's and I know I acted just like everyone around us did...but thank god I grew up! So much more fun enjoying your cocktail, loving the company your with and really just taking in life...instead of inhaling it until you puke ;-)

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