Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Secret To Life: Becoming a French Spaniard

Bonjoir Bitches!!!!!

For the past two weeks we have had the pleasure of living life with two amazing...but very different cultures. From my observations and living life like the given culture dictates I can honestly say these people do an amazing job of really living life to the fullest...you want to live the perfect life? Live like the Parisian/Spanish do!!!!!

Daily Life:

I am 90% sure these people don't have day jobs...if so I do not know how they manage to fit it in with their busy leisure schedule. It seems like here is each counties daily schedule:

Spain: Work 9-1 then close EVERYTHING down from 1-5 for the daily "siesta" of doing nothing. Finish work at 7 then meet friends for an early happy hour at 10 for some Sangria then dinner at midnight. We would finish up dinner around 12:30am and be made fun of cause that is their early bird special time that people 60 and up would literally dine.

Now before I go over all the good there are three things I must say both cultures have in common that I personally do not get:

Smoking: Everyone....and I mean EVERYONE chain smokes around here, I can count several times getting passes by smoking families where everyone from great grandma in her rascal to her 6 year old great grandson are chain smoking like it is going out of style! The smell is horrible and I'm pretty sure I have second hand inhaled a pack by having to be around it so much...however I have to give it to them, they got some crazy smoking skills! They can talk without removing it, some can even eat while puffing away...though I will never know for sure I am pretty sure some have even mastered the art of screwing while making sure to feed thier smoking needs at the same time...now THAT is talent!

Drinking: You know you are in an interesting place when you are the only one at the cafe drinking espresso at 8 am where everyone else is either drinking a shot of liquor or enjoying their first beer...again at 8 in the MORNING!! Don't understand it and know anyone of these people...including the 10 year olds could drink us under the table but two interesting things I also noticed from this way of life 1) They genuinely enjoy what they consume and they never seem to consume so much that they are drunk and 2) If you can reach the counter to order you can drink so there are a lot of kids drinking here but I noticed what they order is red wine and slowly enjoy it...unlike our youth where 18 to 24 everything you consume seems to be in shot form.