Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Euro-Trash, I swear that is my new favorite word!!! Every time I have gone overseas there is always a pending trend that has exploded around the country and is HORRIBLE! But as we all know fashion hits abroad before it comes to the states...and a year later Ohio so expect some nasty trends to be coming our way.

Every girl is sporting the "dirty hooker" look. This includes black hose ripped to shreds, paired with short cut off acid washed jean shorts and a muffin top. Mind you the muffin top seems to be optional but a popular choice throughout. Now to make this look complete the dedicated "fashionistas" top it off with a femme mullet or a ponytail with a shaved neck. I swear it is the funniest thing cause these are (for the most part) cute girls but this look is horrible and everyone is wearing either get ready or if you like to be ahead of the trends start sporting it now...just get ready for some nasty looks ;-)

Walking around Dublin and the cities around Ireland you would swear you got transported back to 1985...not I know you are thinking to yourself, yeah the 80's are back and it is all around the states. In the states I think we take trends of the 80's and give them a modern day flare. HERE they took the worst trends of the decade and are celebrating it to the fullest. What every teen is sporting:
-MC Hammer pants...the bigger the better (and god love how it comes in at the ankles...HOT)
-Mullets, Femme Mullets, Hair steps, RAT TAILS
-Techno Color shirts and silk shirts are back
-And yes acid wash mom jeans have reared its ugly head and made it's way onto cute 18 year old girls making them have the hot mom tummy and fabulous camel toe!

Next Stop Barcelona Spain!! Can't wait to see the trends there, hoping since it is warm there are plenty of cute sundresses cause I really want to do a little shopping!!!!


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