Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Secret To Life: Becoming a French Spaniard

Bonjoir Bitches!!!!!

For the past two weeks we have had the pleasure of living life with two amazing...but very different cultures. From my observations and living life like the given culture dictates I can honestly say these people do an amazing job of really living life to the fullest...you want to live the perfect life? Live like the Parisian/Spanish do!!!!!

Daily Life:

I am 90% sure these people don't have day jobs...if so I do not know how they manage to fit it in with their busy leisure schedule. It seems like here is each counties daily schedule:

Spain: Work 9-1 then close EVERYTHING down from 1-5 for the daily "siesta" of doing nothing. Finish work at 7 then meet friends for an early happy hour at 10 for some Sangria then dinner at midnight. We would finish up dinner around 12:30am and be made fun of cause that is their early bird special time that people 60 and up would literally dine.

Now before I go over all the good there are three things I must say both cultures have in common that I personally do not get:

Smoking: Everyone....and I mean EVERYONE chain smokes around here, I can count several times getting passes by smoking families where everyone from great grandma in her rascal to her 6 year old great grandson are chain smoking like it is going out of style! The smell is horrible and I'm pretty sure I have second hand inhaled a pack by having to be around it so much...however I have to give it to them, they got some crazy smoking skills! They can talk without removing it, some can even eat while puffing away...though I will never know for sure I am pretty sure some have even mastered the art of screwing while making sure to feed thier smoking needs at the same time...now THAT is talent!

Drinking: You know you are in an interesting place when you are the only one at the cafe drinking espresso at 8 am where everyone else is either drinking a shot of liquor or enjoying their first beer...again at 8 in the MORNING!! Don't understand it and know anyone of these people...including the 10 year olds could drink us under the table but two interesting things I also noticed from this way of life 1) They genuinely enjoy what they consume and they never seem to consume so much that they are drunk and 2) If you can reach the counter to order you can drink so there are a lot of kids drinking here but I noticed what they order is red wine and slowly enjoy it...unlike our youth where 18 to 24 everything you consume seems to be in shot form.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hostels...My First Time Feeling Old

So once we got to Dublin we had 2 choices we could either book an okay hotel room in downtown Dublin for around 300 dollars a night (and that is for a tiny room) or we could book a bunk bed in a hostel for 15 Euros a person. So obviously cause we are neither rich or stupid booked the beds in the hostel.

I have spent my fair share of nights in Hostels and never ever minded it until two days ago. It was the first official time in my life that I thought to myself "I am getting too old for this shit." As soon as we checked in we were surrounded by 18 year olds that just landed and wanted to get wasted...Irish wasted. Now you all know me, I used to be a party girl but come on peeps morning is a little early to get the Irish party started with shots don't ya think?

We shared a room with 4 other students who were really nice but sharing a bathroom and a 10 x12 room is always interesting with multiple people and huge backpacks. On a good note between Ty and myself I had the top bunk...always liked the top bunk ;-) But missed having a room to ourselves.

Anyhoo, they had a Hostel Pub Crawl for super cheap so we decided to attend....figuring out as soon as we got through the door that we were the oldest ones there...by at least 8-10 years. Which I must say man we were some funny lil aholes back then. Tons of 18 year old boys in one corner pounding beers and the painfully shy group of 6 girls in the other corner nursing their melted down fruity drinks. It was BAD...that is till everyone was sufficiently liquored up and started mixing with one and other...until they drank too much  and spent the rest of the time puking along the side of the road. On a side note I must admit it was really funny to watch from the sidelines!!!

We ended up having a great time in Dublin and I must say I loved my early 20's and I know I acted just like everyone around us did...but thank god I grew up! So much more fun enjoying your cocktail, loving the company your with and really just taking in life...instead of inhaling it until you puke ;-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Euro-Trash, I swear that is my new favorite word!!! Every time I have gone overseas there is always a pending trend that has exploded around the country and is HORRIBLE! But as we all know fashion hits abroad before it comes to the states...and a year later Ohio so expect some nasty trends to be coming our way.

Every girl is sporting the "dirty hooker" look. This includes black hose ripped to shreds, paired with short cut off acid washed jean shorts and a muffin top. Mind you the muffin top seems to be optional but a popular choice throughout. Now to make this look complete the dedicated "fashionistas" top it off with a femme mullet or a ponytail with a shaved neck. I swear it is the funniest thing cause these are (for the most part) cute girls but this look is horrible and everyone is wearing it...so either get ready or if you like to be ahead of the trends start sporting it now...just get ready for some nasty looks ;-)

Walking around Dublin and the cities around Ireland you would swear you got transported back to 1985...not I know you are thinking to yourself, yeah the 80's are back and it is all around the states. In the states I think we take trends of the 80's and give them a modern day flare. HERE they took the worst trends of the decade and are celebrating it to the fullest. What every teen is sporting:
-MC Hammer pants...the bigger the better (and god love how it comes in at the ankles...HOT)
-Mullets, Femme Mullets, Hair steps, RAT TAILS
-Techno Color shirts and silk shirts are back
-And yes acid wash mom jeans have reared its ugly head and made it's way onto cute 18 year old girls making them have the hot mom tummy and fabulous camel toe!

Next Stop Barcelona Spain!! Can't wait to see the trends there, hoping since it is warm there are plenty of cute sundresses cause I really want to do a little shopping!!!!


Monday, June 27, 2011

A Week In London & Ireland

As we have found out WiFi around Europe is a bit spotty, the Ipad picks up a signal but only for a lil bit and the only Internet cafe's are in the big towns so can't update as much as I hoped but oh well that's life!! So I did have every intention on updating on London and how amazing and actually affordable it is...but that is just going to have to wait. The moment we set foot in Ireland I have been absolutely blown away so must say I feel the need to talk about that first. Both Ty and I were extremely excited to come to Ireland because that is a good part of our heritage, and for me personally I couldn't wait cause this would be the first stop where I really didn't know my way around so in my mind our European adventure really started here.
We decided to get a rental car and discover Ireland on our own terms and I have to say hands down it was one of the best (and most affordable) decisions to make. From the moment we got out of Dublin you could see nothing but lush green rolling hills, a sky that seemed to go on forever and historic towns built WAY before America was ever started. Also around every hour or so we would pass a random castle that would make you have to pull off and gawk in awe. It was AMAZING! When we got hungry we pulled into a beautiful town called Abbyliex and had the best Irish dinner and for super cheap cause it was a little place in a small town (best way to go) and I was extremely excited cause when I was 20 I went to Dublin and the food was shit...however I was young and broke so I think that had a big impact on the places I chose to dine back then. Anyways we drove till it became dark, which was 11pm...seriously we got to see the beauty of Ireland till almost midnight!!! Then pulled into a lodge and slept in the car. Like I said we are not as broke as I was back when I was here a while ago but if we can save $60 bucks to spend on site seeing or a fabulous dinner we will make some sacrifices ;-)

The next day we made our way into Blarney/Cork and went on a personal tour to see as many churches as possible. I am not very religious but to walk into some of these AMAZING buildings you can't help but become a little more inspired.
We then made our way to the world famous Blarney Castle to roam around and climb our way to the top to kiss the one and only Blarney Stone. I must give myself a little pat on the back for that one, it was 300 feet high, to kiss the stone you must get on your back, hold on to a rail and jet your upper body over the 300 foot drop to kiss the stone...no shit, I almost peed my pants. But the girl who is extremely scared of heights did it and now (according to the legend) has Irish luck on her side...who hoo!!! It really wa an amazing experience, pics on Facebook soon!

Finally Ty worked his magic and somehow found a room at the Blarney Golf RESORT for only 40 euros so we got to actually have a room with a bed larger then a single and had a bath tub...I was in heaven!! If you see what we have had to stay in and will have to stay in the rest of this trip you would understand ;-) Ok off to see The Jamison factory and go up North to Ennis!!!
Cheers for now!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Backpacking Europe in 50 Days: London, England

First off I would like to say I am new to this blogging thing so expect run on sentences and several curse words...just forewarning ;-) Anyways we decided to take a different approach Europe, one we are def not comfortable with. Instead of making plans or reservations we are literally going to the train/airport picking where we want to go next then booking the hotel (or in many cases hostel). This whole summer we will literally be flying by the seat of our pants. But hey sometimes you need to do things that scare you in order to grow, so this summer is about living life to the fullest and we fully plan on doing so!!

Ok first stop London England. We have spent the past 2 1/2 days going nonstop and somehow I think we have covered most of the city...which should be a freakin record! This is officially my third time in London and I must say it is the shortest but also the best. First time I was 13 and going through that whole fun "I'm pissed off at the world thing" cause you know kids from Springboro had it so hard...yes looking back someone should have smacked me. So needless to say really getting into the fun of England was uncool so I was a little shit. Second time I spent a semester right off London in a town called Reading right around when I was 20. It was a lot of fun but 1) I was extremely broke so I lived off Ramen Noodles and Guinness (yum) and really couldn't go anywhere cause we had classes Mon-Thur. However on the weekends we would travel as a group around some places in Europe and England. Lots of fun but again we were broke so we all would have to stay in either Hostels or the Red Light District and we almost got arrested twice for being what I like to call "stupid Americans" ahhh the memories!!!

This time around we still don't have a lot of $$ but I am happy to share this amazing adventure with my wonderful hubby and I know we will have the time of our lives!!! Crap,  we are sitting in the downstairs of a tiny little internet cafe and I only have 5 minutes till I get kicked off their computer so I will update next time on all we did in London. Don't worry I have ADD so I understand the need to cut out mindless details. Just bullet points of places and whether they were worth it or not. Also I swear that I have a sign on me that says crazy people and situations come here...so I know this summer is going to be one interesting adventure...and will make sure to document!
